Estate Planning Services

An estate is much more than just money and property.  An estate involves your values, family, and hopes for your children and grandchildren.  Your legacy is how you want to be remembered by your family and loved ones. Aging in Maine offers experienced and thorough Estate Planning Services.

Popular Estate Planning Services:

Mainecare (Maine’s Medicaid Program)

Most people do not realize that Mainecare is not just for the poor or impoverished. Generally, people who need Medicaid planning are middle class or upper-middle-class people who have saved their entire lives for retirement, only to be shocked and dismayed at the incredibly high cost of long-term care.

  • estate planning services

    It is important that you are aware of these benefits and take advantage of them as soon as you become eligible.

estate planning attorney
will based plan picture

Wills and Trusts

You probably already know that, in a will, you name whom you want to handle your final affairs and whom you want to receive your assets after you die. But did you know that your will only controls the assets that are titled in your name? Your will does not control assets that are titled in joint ownership and go to your spouse or another joint owner when you die. 

  • estate planning services

    Wills and trusts have specific and quite different benefits for estate planning purposes. Each state has specific laws and regulations governing these legal documents.

Power of Attorney (POA)

A Power  of Attorney also know as a POA is the written legal authority to grant an individual to act on your behalf allowing them to make important decisions in your best interest. This appointed individual will become your agent. 

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    Whether it’s a financial decisions or medical there are multiple types of Powers of Attorney’s that you can appoint your agent.

powers of attorney

Maine Estate Planning Services

Helping Our Clients Preserve Their Legacies

Maine Estate Planning Services

MaineCare Planning

Proper Medicaid planning will help individuals pay the high costs associated with long-term care and protect their assets.

Wills & Trusts

You probably already know that, in a will, you name whom you want to handle your final affairs and whom you want to receive your assets after you pass.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is the written legal authority to grant an individual to act on your behalf allowing them to make important decisions in your best interest.

Special Needs Planning

If you have a child, sibling, parent, spouse, or other loved one who is physically, mentally, or developmentally disabled he or she may be entitled to valuable government benefits.

Asset Protection

Planning to protect your assets is proactive planning and will insulate assets against risks, minimize the risk of loss, and deter lawsuits.


The Process of Probate is administering the estate of a deceased person, resolving all claims, and distributing the deceased person’s property under a will.

VA Planning

Veterans are an important class of our population and as such, it is important to know about the various benefits available to them.

Camp Legacy Planning

People lucky enough to own a camp, cottage, or vacation home often envision their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren enjoying their beloved camp, cottage, or cabin.

Let Our Experience Be Your Guide

Call for a Consultation today!


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We realize that Estate Planning can be a difficult process to navigate, but don't worry, we’re here for you! We look forward to helping you and your family your Estate Planning and Elder Law needs. Learn more About Us or CONTACT us NOW. Call (207)848-5600

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