sandwich generation

The sandwich generation is growing, here is how to plan

Anyone experiencing the struggle of simultaneously caring for children and aging parents is part of the sandwich generation. Although generation is part of the phrase, it does not refer to people born at a specific time. Typically these “sandwich” family caregivers will be in the thirty to forty-year-old age range and balancing duties to provide […]

The sandwich generation is growing, here is how to plan Read More »

elder law attorney

Why do you need an elder law attorney sooner than later?

Whether you have an older adult loved one in your life or you have concerns about the health and financial welfare of the future, an elder law attorney can optimize your planning. Elder law is a highly specialized area of law focusing on the legal needs of older adults encompassing more significant issues like long-term

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Adult Sibling with Special Needs

3 Tips for Planning to Care for an Adult Sibling with Special Needs

When a family has a child with special needs, the care of that child eventually falls on the shoulders of the entire family. The parents generally care for the child for as long as they are able. However, when the parents begin to age and are unable to care for their adult children with special

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special needs trust

Special Needs Planning and your Estate

Third-party special needs trusts sometimes referred to as supplemental needs trusts, are estate planning tools for those parents of children with mental/physical disabilities and the elderly. This type of trust will receive assets from you or another benefactor expressly for that person with a disability. Goals include: leaving funds for your child’s or elderly family member’s

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