Estate Planning Online

Estate Planning Online, From Start to Finish?

Estate Planning Online

Estate Planning Online

As everyone now knows, keeping physical distance between us is crucial to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Call or email us NOW to find out how we can help you complete your estate planning online or over the phone. 


Formerly, most states required that important legal documents must be signed in person. During the course of this epidemic we have been doing all we can to follow that law, to get documents signed in person and still protect our clients’ health. It has been difficult.


Recently, however, an increasing number of governors have issued emergency orders to change that law. As of April 8th, 2020, Governor Mills has signed an Emergency Order modifying certain in-person Notarization and Acknowledgement requirements. This order will allow us to offer you the entire estate-planning process, start to finish, all completed while you stay safe at home and connected with us by internet or other two-way audio-video technology. This is just for the duration of the coronavirus emergency, though.


Estate planning online. How quickly things change. Call or email us today to see how we can assist you virtually using audio-video technology. There’s nothing “remote” about that.

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