
family connections

Healthy Aging and Family Connection

Family is crucial in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in their social network. Friends may change, become ill and unavailable, or even pass away, but family is multi-generational and, as […]

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estate plan family

Communicating Your Estate Plans and Goals With Family

Preparing for a successful transfer of wealth to your loved ones begins with a comprehensive estate plan. However, many of us often overlook the crucial part of communicating our estate plan to family and heirs. Even with a thorough and up-to-date estate plan, your family may experience emotional or financial turmoil despite your best efforts.

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legal guardian of your aging parent

Becoming a legal guardian of your aging parent

Guardianship of an aging parent means acceptance of significant legal responsibility to act and advocate for their care. The duties include a parent’s daily care, medical care, and possibly financial decisions made on their behalf. Many guardians are family members who were previously caregivers, now cast into a formal legal role. At the same time,

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family feud estate plan

Don’t let a family feud turn into a legal feud

The drama, the cost, the lost time, the broken relationships – there are so many ways that family feuds and estate planning during end-of-life care for a parent and inheritance can have serious repercussions when these problems reach the status of a legal filing and court case. You can take steps moving beyond the possibility

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family farm

Who Gets the Family Farm?

What is Farm Succession Planning? Suppose that mother and dad have run the family farm for a long time. Now, though, they’re getting on in years and they’re considering moving into a smaller place. One of the daughters and her husband help run the farm, but the rest of the siblings have moved away and

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