Senior Living

family connections

Healthy Aging and Family Connection

Family is crucial in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in their social network. Friends may change, become ill and unavailable, or even pass away, but family is multi-generational and, as

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Moving Your Parents to an Assisted Living Facility

Six Steps to Take Before Moving Your Parents to an Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living communities provide essential care and a sense of calm and peace of mind for aging your parents. Identifying the suitable facility “fit” for your loved one is a journey requiring matching your parents’ needs, budget, and lifestyle with desirable locations. Research and preparation yield the best results when all parties participate by asking

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Aging is a Success Story

Aging is the sign of a successful life. After all, when you think about the alternative to aging your perspective about getting older shifts. You should start seeking self-sufficiency for your retirement years well before the age of sixty-five. But, even if you have not done so, don’t shun the planning stages. You need to

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Why Seniors Should Engage in Estate Planning

When it comes to establishing wills and estate plans, older Americans outpace their younger counterparts. Still, a significant number — 19 percent of those over age 72 and 42 percent of those between 53 and 71, according to survey data — lack any type of estate plan. Although managing these details can seem daunting, and

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