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maine elder law

Maine Elder Law & Estate Planning

You want the best for your loved ones. That's why so many Mainers partner with Aging In Maine Law Firm for experienced estate planning and Maine elder law services. Don't leave your family's security to chance. Schedule a consultation today to craft a customized estate plan that secures your legacy.

Maine Elder Law & Estate Planning Services

Our Focus Areas

Our Focus Areas

Important Announcement

Aging In Maine Law Firm

Maine Elder Law & Estate Planning

Aging In Maine is dedicated to helping the our community members navigate life's twists and turns with compassion and expertise. We believe Estate Planning is for Everyone!

We assist clients in crafting proactive estate plans to avoid crisis situations down the road. Too often, we see the heartache when proper plans were not in place. That's why we explain potential scenarios and ensure everyone has some level of preparation.

Our commitment to Maine's communities shines through our specialized services: Wills and Trusts, Camp Legacy Planning, MaineCare Planning, Long-Term Care Planning, and more.

Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities. We are happy to offer both in person or virtual meetings discuss your needs.

Don't hesitate to contact us at (207) 848-5600 with any questions or to schedule an appointment. Our team is here to guide you and your loved ones through aging gracefully in Maine.

20 Years Of Experience

We offer comprehensive Maine Elder Law and Estate Planning Services to support your needs. Discover more about how we can help.

Aging In Maine

We deeply about our community and takes pride in helping local families and businesses preserve their legacies.

Elder law Attorney, Elder Law attorney Maine, Kevin Weatherbee

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Helping Our Clients Preserve Their Legacies

Maine Elder Law & Estate Planning Services


MaineCare Planning

Proper Medicaid planning will help individuals pay the high costs associated with long-term care and protect their assets.

Trusts and Wills

Wills & Trusts

You probably already know that, in a will, you name whom you want to handle your final affairs and whom you want to receive your assets after you pass.


Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is the written legal authority to grant an individual to act on your behalf allowing them to make important decisions in your best interest.

Special Needs

Special Needs Planning

If you have a child, sibling, parent, spouse, or other loved one who is physically, mentally, or developmentally disabled he or she may be entitled to valuable government benefits.

Asset Protection

Asset Protection

Proactive Asset Protection Planning is to insulate assets against risks, minimize the risk of loss, and deter lawsuits.



The Process of Probate is the legal administering of the estate of a deceased person, resolving all claims, and distributing the deceased person’s property under a will.

Veterans Planning

VA Planning

Veterans are an important class of our population and as such, it is important to know about the various benefits available to them.

Camp Planning

Camp Legacy Planning

People lucky enough to own a camp, cottage, or vacation home often envision their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren enjoying their beloved camp, cottage, or cabin.

aging in maine law firm, maine elder law

Here at Aging In Maine Law Firm

we have a passion for helping Maine's seniors thrive. With its high concentration of baby boomers, our state has the oldest population in the nation. While an aging populace presents challenges, we also see tremendous opportunities to support our clients. That's why we take a proactive approach to estate planning, having candid conversations about life's uncertainties. We know firsthand the difficulties families face without a plan in place. When crisis strikes, we're committed to guiding clients with empathy and expertise. Our goal is to ensure all Mainers can age with dignity, security and peace of mind. We're honored to assist in this journey through compassionate elder law and estate planning services. As fellow Mainers, we want to see our aging neighbors live their best lives.

Let Our Experience Be Your Guide

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