Elder Law

MaineCare Crisis Planning

When is MaineCare Crisis Planning Appropriate?

MaineCare (Medicaid) is a joint federal and state program available to individuals who meet certain asset requirements that help them pay for long-term care (LTC) costs. Long-term care often creates devastating financial impacts on Americans, particularly the elderly, and for those family members who lose hours of income (and more) while providing care for their

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aging strategies

Know Your Parents’ Aging Strategies Before a Medical Crisis Hits

Many adult children in the US live far away from their parents. Managing aging parents or in-law medical events can be a serious challenge without proper preparation and understanding of what your parents’ aging strategies may or may not be, no matter where you live. Some questions to ask yourself: Do you know what legal

Know Your Parents’ Aging Strategies Before a Medical Crisis Hits Read More »

what is estate administration

What is Estate Administration?

Estate administration refers to managing and distributing a deceased person’s assets in the US. This process typically includes identifying and inventorying the decedent’s assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing any remaining assets to the beneficiaries named in the decedent’s will. Without a valid will, actions are taken to comply with state intestacy laws. The

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