Non-traditional Families and Estate Planning

Non-traditional Families and Estate Planning

Changing family structures are evolving the practice of estate planning. As recently as thirty years ago, a traditional family comprised a husband and wife who married young, purchased a home, had children, and worked toward financial stability and security. In 1949, 79.8 percent of American households were married couples, but in 2021 that number declined

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Guide to Estate Planning

A Quick Guide to Estate Planning

Most older adults acknowledge that estate planning is essential. Yet, nearly half of Americans age 55 or more do not have a will, and even fewer have designated powers of attorney, a living will, or health care directives. These documents help guide your representatives to provide the end-of-life wishes you seek. Estate planning also reduces

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family connections

Healthy Aging and Family Connection

Family is crucial in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in their social network. Friends may change, become ill and unavailable, or even pass away, but family is multi-generational and, as

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