family connections

Healthy Aging and Family Connection

Family is crucial in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in their social network. Friends may change, become ill and unavailable, or even pass away, but family is multi-generational and, as […]

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Moving Your Parents to an Assisted Living Facility

Six Steps to Take Before Moving Your Parents to an Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living communities provide essential care and a sense of calm and peace of mind for aging your parents. Identifying the suitable facility “fit” for your loved one is a journey requiring matching your parents’ needs, budget, and lifestyle with desirable locations. Research and preparation yield the best results when all parties participate by asking

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power of attorney conversation

Simplifying the “Power of attorney” Conversation with your Parent

Having the power of attorney conversation can be tough. Meet Charlie, a 72-year-old Vietnam veteran. All of Charlie’s life, he’s done everything on his own and rarely accepts help from others, even more rarely will you find him admitting he needs help. He is stubborn as a mule and strong in his convictions, chiefly of

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how to own your real estate

How to Own Your Real Estate

Real estate encompasses not only one’s primary residence but also other real estate such as a vacation home or a rental property. The ideal form of ownership varies depending on the type of real estate you own. Below, we take a look at the different types of real estate and offer advice about the best

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